President Bush is calling democrats "irresponsible" for not approving money for the war in Iraq. Furthermore he criticized Nancy Pelosi for seeking diplomacy by meeting with Syrian president Bashar al-Assad. I guess diplomacy is bad for this war loving president.
But lets analyze this, President Bush does not have grounds to call ANYONE irresponsible. If anyone should be called irresponsible it is the President himself.
-He ignored a memo tittled "Osama Bin Laden determined to attack inside the U.S." while he was on one of them long vacations he decides to take
-Once September 11th happened he was told that we were under attack. Not knowing the extent of the attack he decided to sit on his "lame duck president's ass" in a classroom reading "My pet goat."
-He has intentionally ignored threats of global warming
-Do I have to really get into the Katrina aftermath? New Orleans is still struggling to it's feet
-After saying we would capture Osama Bin Laden "dead or alive" confesses he "doesn't spend much time thinking about it." We know.
-He promises to use diplomacy before attacking Iraq if given authorization to go to war from congress, gets the authorization, attacks Iraq.
-Lies about weapons of mass destruction, and it is found intelligence had been cooked.
-When someone leaks the name of Valerie Plame, who at the time was under covered for the CIA and working in tracking rogue nuclear devices, promises to fire anyone in the administration that was responsible for the leak. No one gets fired.
-Has led the country into a war that was not necessary. Because of that decision over 3000 American soldiers have died, over 70 thousand wounded or amputated, and countless of Iraqi civilians have died.
-His policies have turned world sentiment against us
Those are just a few of the things this lame duck president will be remembered for, and he has the nerve to call anyone irresponsible? IMHO sir, all these things that I have mentioned before can make you Irresponsible, Evil or Stupid, now which is it?
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