This is Part 2 of Stop the hate. When I see people hating people I will say it. Today I come in defense of undocumented people.
I was flipping channels and I came across Lou Dobbs on CNN. You know, the guy who is trying to ressurect a career by bashing those whohave no voice (Illegal aliens). He is using racism to get viewers and no one ever says anything about it. He has stories about how an Illegal immigrant got drunk, got behind the wheel and killed this beautiful white girl. Hey it is a sad story, but had the guy behind the wheel been a citizen, then would it be less tragic? Would Lou Dobbs even know that she ever existed? Of course not. That is not a story about illegal aliens, it is about drunk driving. Don't get confused here. I am not saying the guy was not an asshole and deserves to go to jail, what I am saying is that whomever it was that person should be in jail. Equal treatment, such a beautiful thing. So Dobbs is exploiting a girls death to make his point, and further his career, and make more money.
He also had some woman from the KKK, I mean Mothers Against Illegal Aliens... get it, they try to sound like MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) so they get some coverage. But they are not Mad they are Maia, hey doesn't Maia sound like Maya? the Irony. She said the schools in Phoenix were over crowded, but instead of asking for more teachers she wants all those kids sent back to hunger, and possibly to die, all because they don't like brown people. Compassionate conservatives, my ass. Of course when you do to the MAIA site she is possing with her all republican friends. I know some republicans will get offended by me saying that, but think about it, why do minorities vote democrat and the republican party has mostly white people in it? (Not all white people are racist, but the ones who are vote republican).
Hey Dobbs, IMHO you'd be better off picking on someone your own size, someone who can defend himself, like O'Reilly... maybe you two turds will cancel eachother out.
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