Quick comment
Ruddy Giuliani said that we would be attacked again if a democrat won the presidency... hmm "Tell us what you know Rudy!" how can you be so certain? Do the terrorists only hate democrats? Did September 11 happen on the democrats watch? It is time for people to stop thinking of this moron as a hero, after all he put NY's emergency response headquarters at the world trade center. What a visionary! Were the democrats who sat on their asses at a classroom reading "My pet goat"? Rudy Giuliani is no hero, he just was there. The fire fighters were heroes, the NYPD officers were heroes, the Port Authority policemen there were heroes, the civilians who died trying to help others were heroes. Rudy was just there. Hey Rudy, just because we have a moron in the white house it does not mean we would rather have a jack ass.
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