Friday, April 27, 2007
Wednesday, April 25, 2007

This is Part 2 of Stop the hate. When I see people hating people I will say it. Today I come in defense of undocumented people.
I was flipping channels and I came across Lou Dobbs on CNN. You know, the guy who is trying to ressurect a career by bashing those whohave no voice (Illegal aliens). He is using racism to get viewers and no one ever says anything about it. He has stories about how an Illegal immigrant got drunk, got behind the wheel and killed this beautiful white girl. Hey it is a sad story, but had the guy behind the wheel been a citizen, then would it be less tragic? Would Lou Dobbs even know that she ever existed? Of course not. That is not a story about illegal aliens, it is about drunk driving. Don't get confused here. I am not saying the guy was not an asshole and deserves to go to jail, what I am saying is that whomever it was that person should be in jail. Equal treatment, such a beautiful thing. So Dobbs is exploiting a girls death to make his point, and further his career, and make more money.
He also had some woman from the KKK, I mean Mothers Against Illegal Aliens... get it, they try to sound like MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) so they get some coverage. But they are not Mad they are Maia, hey doesn't Maia sound like Maya? the Irony. She said the schools in Phoenix were over crowded, but instead of asking for more teachers she wants all those kids sent back to hunger, and possibly to die, all because they don't like brown people. Compassionate conservatives, my ass. Of course when you do to the MAIA site she is possing with her all republican friends. I know some republicans will get offended by me saying that, but think about it, why do minorities vote democrat and the republican party has mostly white people in it? (Not all white people are racist, but the ones who are vote republican).
Hey Dobbs, IMHO you'd be better off picking on someone your own size, someone who can defend himself, like O'Reilly... maybe you two turds will cancel eachother out.
That's a bad Rudy

Quick comment
Ruddy Giuliani said that we would be attacked again if a democrat won the presidency... hmm "Tell us what you know Rudy!" how can you be so certain? Do the terrorists only hate democrats? Did September 11 happen on the democrats watch? It is time for people to stop thinking of this moron as a hero, after all he put NY's emergency response headquarters at the world trade center. What a visionary! Were the democrats who sat on their asses at a classroom reading "My pet goat"? Rudy Giuliani is no hero, he just was there. The fire fighters were heroes, the NYPD officers were heroes, the Port Authority policemen there were heroes, the civilians who died trying to help others were heroes. Rudy was just there. Hey Rudy, just because we have a moron in the white house it does not mean we would rather have a jack ass.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Guns don't Kill People, People with Guns Kill People

Why do we have to have this debate? Since the tragedy at VA tech I have heard people say he dumbest things, here are some of them
-Why regulate guns, and not knives or baseball bats?
A- Because stupid, what are the chances of you killing someone with a gun or bat from across the street?
-Why would law abiding citizens have to wait for a background check to get a gun?
A- Because stupid, not everyone who tries to get a gun is a law abiding citizen
-Why didn't those young, strong students defend themselves?
A- Because stupid, this is not a Bruce Willis movie
-Illegal aliens are criminals...
A- Hey stupid, he was a legal alien and he had been here since he was 8 years old, as Americanized as can be
-Guns don't kill people, People kill people
-Well stupid, you are right about this one, but guns make it a hell of a lot easier
-We are fighting the terrorists in Iraq so we don't have to fight them here
-That is Bush and yes he is stupid
Friday, April 13, 2007
Sharpton is Wrong on Imus

I want to start by saying that I like Al Sharpton. I agree with a lot of what he has to say, but when it comes to Imus he is wrong and to a certain point a hypocritical. As a commentator/comedian I believe no one should get fired for a joke. I understand that people get offended, but a joke, however bad is just that, a joke.
The reason why I say Sharpton is acting like a hypocrite is because he is only opening his mouth about this because the joke was about black people. But lets not forget, the reverend has been in the Cris Rock show and said nothing about the jokes Cris Rock says about white people. Cris Rock has said as a joke that he hates white people, he has generalized all white people as being racist. why not say anything about that? That does not help race relations does it? No it doesn't help, but you know what? It shouldn't hurt either. IT IS A JOKE! See I have a problem every time someone tries to control language. Religion, Politics they all try to control language because that is how you control thought.
By getting Imus fired, Rev Al and everyone involved effectively eliminated the good things that Imus did. His cancer camp, his fund raising for different causes. All because of a stupid joke. Al Sharpton put himself ahead of kids with cancer, and the tomorrow's children fund. Come on reverend, it is not the words that make the man, it his actions. Why are we so afraid of words? words are meaningless, it is actions that tell us who the person really is.
I love freedom, we all do. IMHO freedom of speech is the single most important freedom we have, but how can we have freedom of speech if when you use it, that means that your livelihood can be destroyed?
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Enough with the Hate

Stop the hate
I am writing this, not because it was on the news, not because someone on TV said something, but because someone in my personal life said something. Someone asked me about my religious beliefs and I told them the truth “I am an atheist.” I did not want to get into it, because I know it can start heated arguments. The person asked enough times that I had to say it, “Religion turned me into an atheist”
Do not get me wrong, religion does a lot of good for a lot of people. When Hurricane Katrina happened, religious organizations got there and helped way before FEMA did, and they deserve credit for that. My problem with religion is when it is used as a tool to divide people. I am pro gay marriage, and I always make that clear, even though it brings out the idiot on a lot of people. I have been called a faggot, gay, queer. Never bothered me because although I am straight, I have gay and bisexual friends who are some of the best people anyone will ever have the chance to know. I am thankful I can call them my friends.
However, when I am asked about my religion, and I said I am an atheist, I use the gay issue as an example of why I am not a religious person. I find it so morally wrong to judge a person because of whom they chose to love. How can anyone just say that someone’s life style is an abomination? That’s when they quote the bible. The bible does call homosexuality an abomination, that is true. The bible also calls touching a pig’s skin an abomination, so I guess if you ever played foot ball you are as guilty as anyone. The bible also says it is ok to sell your daughter to slavery. They even give the rules on how to treat slavery. The bible also says it is ok to stone your kid death if he is insolent. My point is, just because the bible says it, it does not make it right.
I don’t care what people call me. Call me all the names in the book, it does not hurt me. It does not mean that I think discrimination is ok, but I know better. IMHO discrimination is an abomination. Unfortunately ignorance is powerful although it makes the person weak. All this anti gay marriage movements are based on discrimination, on the need to feel superior to someone. Just like Men wanted to feel superior to women before women got the right to vote. Just like some whites had the need to feel superior to blacks before the civil rights movement. This is the movement of our times. This is when a few of us must stand for what is right, not for what is popular. After all, if no one did in the sixties we would have segregation still.
I am writing this, not because it was on the news, not because someone on TV said something, but because someone in my personal life said something. Someone asked me about my religious beliefs and I told them the truth “I am an atheist.” I did not want to get into it, because I know it can start heated arguments. The person asked enough times that I had to say it, “Religion turned me into an atheist”
Do not get me wrong, religion does a lot of good for a lot of people. When Hurricane Katrina happened, religious organizations got there and helped way before FEMA did, and they deserve credit for that. My problem with religion is when it is used as a tool to divide people. I am pro gay marriage, and I always make that clear, even though it brings out the idiot on a lot of people. I have been called a faggot, gay, queer. Never bothered me because although I am straight, I have gay and bisexual friends who are some of the best people anyone will ever have the chance to know. I am thankful I can call them my friends.
However, when I am asked about my religion, and I said I am an atheist, I use the gay issue as an example of why I am not a religious person. I find it so morally wrong to judge a person because of whom they chose to love. How can anyone just say that someone’s life style is an abomination? That’s when they quote the bible. The bible does call homosexuality an abomination, that is true. The bible also calls touching a pig’s skin an abomination, so I guess if you ever played foot ball you are as guilty as anyone. The bible also says it is ok to sell your daughter to slavery. They even give the rules on how to treat slavery. The bible also says it is ok to stone your kid death if he is insolent. My point is, just because the bible says it, it does not make it right.
I don’t care what people call me. Call me all the names in the book, it does not hurt me. It does not mean that I think discrimination is ok, but I know better. IMHO discrimination is an abomination. Unfortunately ignorance is powerful although it makes the person weak. All this anti gay marriage movements are based on discrimination, on the need to feel superior to someone. Just like Men wanted to feel superior to women before women got the right to vote. Just like some whites had the need to feel superior to blacks before the civil rights movement. This is the movement of our times. This is when a few of us must stand for what is right, not for what is popular. After all, if no one did in the sixties we would have segregation still.
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Who Is Irresponsible?

President Bush is calling democrats "irresponsible" for not approving money for the war in Iraq. Furthermore he criticized Nancy Pelosi for seeking diplomacy by meeting with Syrian president Bashar al-Assad. I guess diplomacy is bad for this war loving president.
But lets analyze this, President Bush does not have grounds to call ANYONE irresponsible. If anyone should be called irresponsible it is the President himself.
-He ignored a memo tittled "Osama Bin Laden determined to attack inside the U.S." while he was on one of them long vacations he decides to take
-Once September 11th happened he was told that we were under attack. Not knowing the extent of the attack he decided to sit on his "lame duck president's ass" in a classroom reading "My pet goat."
-He has intentionally ignored threats of global warming
-Do I have to really get into the Katrina aftermath? New Orleans is still struggling to it's feet
-After saying we would capture Osama Bin Laden "dead or alive" confesses he "doesn't spend much time thinking about it." We know.
-He promises to use diplomacy before attacking Iraq if given authorization to go to war from congress, gets the authorization, attacks Iraq.
-Lies about weapons of mass destruction, and it is found intelligence had been cooked.
-When someone leaks the name of Valerie Plame, who at the time was under covered for the CIA and working in tracking rogue nuclear devices, promises to fire anyone in the administration that was responsible for the leak. No one gets fired.
-Has led the country into a war that was not necessary. Because of that decision over 3000 American soldiers have died, over 70 thousand wounded or amputated, and countless of Iraqi civilians have died.
-His policies have turned world sentiment against us
Those are just a few of the things this lame duck president will be remembered for, and he has the nerve to call anyone irresponsible? IMHO sir, all these things that I have mentioned before can make you Irresponsible, Evil or Stupid, now which is it?
Monday, April 2, 2007
Inhofe is still and Asshole

Ok, I received a couple of emails saying that I should not call Senator Inhofe of Oklahoma an asshole, and that not gonna be taken seriously unless I back up my claims. Fine, I do not want to be Coulterized (made into a transexual blood sucking demon, who eats babies for living). I guess I’ll put on my lawyer cap and make the case.
THERE IS NO DEBATE ABOUT GLOBAL WARMING! Over 99% of scientists believe we are the cause of global warming, that is not a debate. Saying that there is a debate about global warming would be like saying there is a debate about the earth being round or flat. For example there is something called the “Flat Earth Society”. They claim that the earth is flat, and they also claim to have a few thousand members. All reasonable people besides those few thousand loonies know there is no debate. There are not one thousand scientists who believe that we are not influencing climate change in the world, so why do we believe there is a debate about that? 30% of Americans believe the earth is only 6 thousand years old. Well we have fossils and carbon dating, and the 30 percent are wrong, no debate. Evidence is such a beautiful thing.
There have been climate changes throughout history, but the patern is not even close to what we have been going through in the past few years, all you have to do is look at current trends to understand that we are in for something this planet has never seen before, Even past ice ages trends pale in comparison to our current trends.
Now let’s say that the less than 1% are right and Senator Inhofe is right, which they are not. Is it really worth the gamble. If we get ready and try to correct the current trends we would waste money. But if he is wrong and he is and we don’t do anything then he and the less than 1% will be responsible for the deaths of millions of people and the displacement of millions more. He is gambling that his less than 1% chance of being right is worth the lives of millions of people and animals. IMHO ASSHOLE!!!
THERE IS NO DEBATE ABOUT GLOBAL WARMING! Over 99% of scientists believe we are the cause of global warming, that is not a debate. Saying that there is a debate about global warming would be like saying there is a debate about the earth being round or flat. For example there is something called the “Flat Earth Society”. They claim that the earth is flat, and they also claim to have a few thousand members. All reasonable people besides those few thousand loonies know there is no debate. There are not one thousand scientists who believe that we are not influencing climate change in the world, so why do we believe there is a debate about that? 30% of Americans believe the earth is only 6 thousand years old. Well we have fossils and carbon dating, and the 30 percent are wrong, no debate. Evidence is such a beautiful thing.
There have been climate changes throughout history, but the patern is not even close to what we have been going through in the past few years, all you have to do is look at current trends to understand that we are in for something this planet has never seen before, Even past ice ages trends pale in comparison to our current trends.
Now let’s say that the less than 1% are right and Senator Inhofe is right, which they are not. Is it really worth the gamble. If we get ready and try to correct the current trends we would waste money. But if he is wrong and he is and we don’t do anything then he and the less than 1% will be responsible for the deaths of millions of people and the displacement of millions more. He is gambling that his less than 1% chance of being right is worth the lives of millions of people and animals. IMHO ASSHOLE!!!
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