Sorry, had to get it out my chest... You know what? no, I need to call him an ASSHOLE again, The Asshole Senator from the state of Oklahoma, is blocking the concert in DC that would raise funds to fight global warming. This comes as no surprise since Senator Inhofe belongs to the oil companies. Oil companies are BY FAR the number one industry backing Senator Inhofe.
Senator Inhofe is 72 years old so I guess he is old enough so that he won't see in full what global warming will do to the people of this planet, nor does he care, as long as his pimp masters in the oil companies keep him in power.
Just so you know, there is no debate on global warming. Scientists are not split 50/50 on the issue. Over 99 percent of scientists agree that we are the main cause of global warming but people who are in the pocket of the oil lobby keep saying otherwise.
Oklahoma, I now you are OK, but IMHO if this ASSHOLE runs for office again, you cannot afford to elect him again, pick another Republican, I don't care, just let it be an honest and smart Republican, I know you have a few of those.
Just discovered your blog today ... as an Oklahoman, I gotta say, asshole it is! I'm racking my brain to try to come up with whatever I can do to ensure this man gets to spend NO more time making decisions in Washington, but our politics are so sad I'm not convinced I can do any good. As far as Inhofe's being 72, so he won't have that long to worry about the consequences of his assholiness on our planet, yeah, but let's not forget all those straight children he should be worried about. Remember his glorious moment before the Senate when he put up the picture of his family and proudly assured all of us there was not one homosexual to be found in the bunch! You'd think their lives might mean something to this jerk, but apparently not.
Hey john, Thanks for the comment, I do remember him standing there with a picture of his family. He is such a douche bag LOL. As far as what you can do, you are already expressing yourself. That is a huge huge deal. As long as you have an opinion and express it, you are in charge.
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