So The president will allow Rove and Myers to testify... but not under oath? Ok so they can talk to the Congress, but they have to be allowed to lie. What a hypocrite this president is. He said he would bring morals back to the white house, and all he has done is brought embarrasement and interntional shame. George Bush is a liar. He does not mislead as others put it, he lies. Just look at his record. WMD's - lie, Iraq wants Uranium - lie, Mobile labs - lie, Hussein and Al Queida are working together - lie, We will go after Osama Bin Laden -Lie, Mission accomplished - lie, we will get out after a democracy is stablished in Iraq - lie, I read - lie... IMHO this guy is nothing but the personification of lies himself. His administration is a complete and disgusting lie. 30 percent of americans still support him? well 30 percent of he population should wear one of them "I'm with Stupid" shirts
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