In an effort to discredit the former Vice President's work with the enviroment, it was reported a few days ago by some right wing bloggers and ABC that his electric bill is close to 30 thousand dollars. they talk about how the Gores use over 20 times the national average. What they wouldn't tell you is that the house has 20 rooms and also serves as their office. So all this work the Gores are doing on Global warming is done from their house. That means computers, phones, fax machines, lights, printers and all these things that evolution has allowed man to create by evolving the brain into what it is now.l.. or do you also want to debate evolution and gravity, and perhaps that the earth is flat.
The right wing bloggers will not tell you that the Gores are paying more because they chose to invest in green energy like solar plates and other renewable renewable energy. So the Gore family decided to pay a higher bill because it helps the enviroment.
IMHO I expect right wing bloggers to make up stories about Al Gore or other Democrats without checking their facts, but ABC news? Maybe we should expect it, after all ABC also brought us that right wing propaganda "The Truth of 9/11." Aparently ABC is starting to model itself after "Fox Noise" (as Keith Olbermann calls it) channel.
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