Saturday, March 31, 2007

Olbermann: Samson and De Liars

A scandal a week will keep... uhhh never mind

Friday, March 30, 2007

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Senator Inhofe YOU ASSHOLE!

Sorry, had to get it out my chest... You know what? no, I need to call him an ASSHOLE again, The Asshole Senator from the state of Oklahoma, is blocking the concert in DC that would raise funds to fight global warming. This comes as no surprise since Senator Inhofe belongs to the oil companies. Oil companies are BY FAR the number one industry backing Senator Inhofe.

Senator Inhofe is 72 years old so I guess he is old enough so that he won't see in full what global warming will do to the people of this planet, nor does he care, as long as his pimp masters in the oil companies keep him in power.

Just so you know, there is no debate on global warming. Scientists are not split 50/50 on the issue. Over 99 percent of scientists agree that we are the main cause of global warming but people who are in the pocket of the oil lobby keep saying otherwise.

Oklahoma, I now you are OK, but IMHO if this ASSHOLE runs for office again, you cannot afford to elect him again, pick another Republican, I don't care, just let it be an honest and smart Republican, I know you have a few of those.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Rick Berman and = lame anti-union campaign

You have seen the commercial, employees saying how much they love to pay union dues, how much they love to give money to politicians they don't even like... I want to say that the ad almost killed me while I gagged. However I know that some people believe everything they see on TV, time to unmask this guys. I guess I am gonna have to do some serious research... Thank God for google. was registered to Berman & Co. in May 2005 and it is part of lobbyist Rick Berman's family of front groups including the Employment Policies Institute. It started running in... you better sit down for this, because you will not believe it... Fox News. I thought they were fair and balanced. Anyway Rick Berman is a former labor lawyer, and according to "Berman was tied to former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich through possible ethics violations involving Gingrich's PAC (GOPAC). In 1993, Berman made a $25,000 contribution to Kennesaw State College for Gingrich's class on "Renewing American Civilization" on condition that Gingrich teach ideas supported by EPI. House Ethics Committee reports revealed that Berman's contribution was solicited by GOPAC and that Berman had already helped GOPAC in recruiting big donors. In the cover letter to the check, Berman thanked Gingrich for his "help" in enabling Berman to testify at a Congressional hearing on another matter of interest to the industry."

He also opposed the Americans with Disabilities Act because it "will cost our industry untold millions in added construction and labor costs"... Asshole.

So who is funding Berman and, well they won't reveal their sources, however it is known that they called on Wal-mart, there is a surprise, for help on funding. Lee Culpepper, who was hired by Wal-mart in 2005 as a lobbyist worked with Berman from 2000-2005. They argued against raising the minimum wage all those years. Culpepper remembers Berman “I’ve worked with Rick for years, and indeed he is a lightning rod." Yeah that's nice. To be fair Wal-mart denies funding the add.

Let's look at Mr. Berman's resume shall we? His company represented the Alcohol industry against MADD (Mother's against drunk driving), the cigarette industry against the CDC (Centers for Disease Control). He is such a pro-death character, isn't he?
Now, some union officials make some money and, quotes THEIR salaries, but I wonder if they quote the obscene salaries that CEO's make? You guessed it, not a peep. They also say that Unions usually back democrats, well that is true, and that is because most democrats favor organized workers and higher minimum salaries.

If union members feel their leaderships are corrupt, the fact is that they CAN vote them out. Unions are an asset to workers, because if you think that companies give their employees salaries higher than minimum because of the goodness of their hearts, IMHO you are beeing naive. There is one thing that most CEO's and big cats in wall street care about... the bottom line. So Mr. Berman, if you're gonna throw your money on TV ads while trying to poison the minds of people at least have the balls to say that you are anti-union and that In Your Humble Opinion they are bad... until then, good luck you pussy.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

New Rules - 3/23/07 just for a serious laugh

Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO

Friday, March 23, 2007

Elizabeth Edwards' Cancer Returns

We at Lou-IMHO hope Mrs Edwards will have a speedy recovery. Thanks to John and Elizabeth Edwards for showing the courage they did

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Virtual Bitch Slap... You go girl

I have 2 new heroes one is Senator Patrick Leahy, and the other is Senator Barbara Boxer.
If you were not paying attention, Patrick Leahy of VT said he would issue subpoenas will be issued and that the offer by the Bush administration is not acceptable. Gee I wonder why? Lets review, The offer from the Bush administration says that Harriet Myers and Karl Rove will be available to testify if
-It is not under oath
-there is no transcript
-the public does not get to hear it
So Super Leahy told them thanks but no thanks.
And Barbara Boxer while Senator Inhofe, who does not believe in global warming, dinosaurs or the atmosphere, bitch slapped him for not letting Al Gore answer the questions he was throwing. Senator Inhofe has been a sternch non believer of global warming, and by the way his 2 top contributors are Oil and Gas, and Electric utilities… wait does that sound like a buy out or what?
Joe Barton from TX is another senator who does not believe in global warming has Electric Utilities as his number 2 highest donnor and Oil and gas as his fourth. I wonder if he is a republican as well?

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Why not Hillary?

I received an email recently asking me why not Hillary? First of all, let me just say that if Hillary were the candidate for president I would vote for her. I would also be happy if she were president. She is a smart and capable woman, and she would put the country in the right direction. Plus you would get Bill Clinton in the package, and God knows, if he were able to run for president again, he would win.

But if I like Hillary Clinton that much, then how come I am backing up Edwards. Well, for starters I have heard John Edward's message and he is right on. He admited he made a mistake in giving the authorization to go to war. Call me crazy, but I like that in a person. If you know you are wrong you admit it and fix it. Hillary has danced around the subject way too much. She said she was misled. Just say "they lied and I fell for it, my mistake." And move on. Not admiting a mistake does not make you stron, it makes you George Bush, and IMHO that is the worst thing you can be.

KO'd: Hume, Wallace Share Worst Person for Plame Lie

Excuse me?

So The president will allow Rove and Myers to testify... but not under oath? Ok so they can talk to the Congress, but they have to be allowed to lie. What a hypocrite this president is. He said he would bring morals back to the white house, and all he has done is brought embarrasement and interntional shame. George Bush is a liar. He does not mislead as others put it, he lies. Just look at his record. WMD's - lie, Iraq wants Uranium - lie, Mobile labs - lie, Hussein and Al Queida are working together - lie, We will go after Osama Bin Laden -Lie, Mission accomplished - lie, we will get out after a democracy is stablished in Iraq - lie, I read - lie... IMHO this guy is nothing but the personification of lies himself. His administration is a complete and disgusting lie. 30 percent of americans still support him? well 30 percent of he population should wear one of them "I'm with Stupid" shirts

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Sunday, March 18, 2007


here is a little taste of the Howard University speech I went to, courtesy of

Friday, March 16, 2007

Firing Attorneys General

what else did you expect?

Thursday, March 15, 2007

John Edwards at Howard University DC

He covered every important topic there is to cover. Iraq, Darfur, International relations, health care, the environment and the economy. And it is with great pleasure that I can tell you, not IMHO but as a fact, John Edwards is still the best hope for the country. I told the Senator in a small exchange that I have been telling my friends, family and to you that he is the right person for the job, and that I would tell you I was right, so here I am... I was right.

If you still have not seen John Edwards I am asking you to do so, go with an open mind, watch him on C-SPAN. I don't care where you see him. I am telling you, IMHO by the time you are done watching you'll think as I do. It will be a better world when John Edwards becomes our president.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Randi Rhodes calls into the Stephanie Miller Show

the best women in radio on the same show

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Howard Dean on Libby verdict and Walter Reed scandal

Howard Dean always makes his case

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

One down, anyone else to go?

The guilty veredict on the case of Scooter Libby has started a movement by a lot of the right wing blogs and media. The cry is that Libby is a patriot and was prosecuted of lying under oath and not other crimes he was being investigated for. Where were all these hypocrites when Bill Clinton was impeached for lies about his sex lives? Is infidelity more important than the lies that took an entire nation to war?
Republicans point to the fact that democrats had the same information that the president had and that’s why the authorized the war. Well no, the democrats had the information that the administration cherry picked and gave them to make their case for war. The democrats also authorized the motion to give the president the authorization to go to war, because the president promised he would use it as a last resort.
Is it only me who remembers that when the inspectors started sending information that said they were not finding weapons that’s when the administration told the UN inspectors to get out? The Bush administration lied to get us into this war, make no mistake about it. They lied and when Ambasador Wilson gave info that contradicted their lies, they uncovered his wife’s identity. But it wasn’t just her, they revealed where she was, what she was doing, putting at risk not just Valerie Wilson, but the whole operation and any contacts the operation had.
Scooter Libby is not a patriot, Dick Cheney is not a patriot, Rove is not a patriot, their hunger for money and power is what drives them. It is not interest in the comon good. Libby lied to protect the lie. Dick Cheney says he has not benefited from the was and yet he still has Halliburton. President Bush promised to fire anyone involved in the leaking of Valery Wilson, Rove was involved and still has a job at 1600 PA avenue. IMHO that is understandable, since the President’s word hasn’t meant anything ever.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Ann Coulter Calls John Edwards

the witch at work with her loving audience approving her comments.

Coulter a Small Sample of the Far Right

Days after calling Presidential candidate John Edwards a “faggot” people in the right have come out against her, but how sincere are they when they criticize her? Rudolph Giuliani said the comments were “inappropriate and there should be no place for such name-calling in political debate.” A spokes person for the Romney campaign said “It was an offensive remark. Governor Romney believes all people should be treated with dignity and respect.” And the McCain Campaign said “The comments were wildly inappropriate.” But does that mean that Coultergeist will not be speaking at anymore of their rallies? I doubt it.
Ann Coulter has been treated like a rock star in the right, If you watch the video of the comments made by her during the CPAC political event the people who were listening to her, were far from offended, they were clapping and cheering her on. Coulter has said that it was a “joke. I would never insult gays by suggesting that they are like John Edwards. That would be mean.” Pehaps it was necessary for her to tell us it was a joke, because it was not funny.
But to the people in the CPAC political event it is amusing. IMHO this shows the bigotry and intolerance that make up the far right. That’s who they are, Ann Coulter is their face, their representative. That is what they stand for.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Ok Media, Say It with me “Dar-Fur”

As rescently as February of this year, polls indicated that the Majority of the American public thought the genocide going on in Darfur should be at the top of the foreign policy agenda. A month later the number of people who think actions should be taken has not changed, however the number of people who have died in Darfur continues to climb at an alarming pace.
Darfur is not one of those issues that divide Americans. Christian Evangelicals who usually vote republican, have launched the “Evangelicals for Darfur.” Hollywood liberals like George Clooney have been themselves very active in calling attention to Darfur. Darfur is not a republican issue, it is not a democrat issue, it is a human issue. Over 400 thousand people in the low estimates have been killed and millions displaced. And yet the United Nations, the African Union and the United States seem not to be acting. Waiting while the number of dead keep rising.
Where is the media? IMHO the media has take a lot of the blame. While people are dying in this barbaric display of lack of humanity, the media is telling us that Anna Nichole’s body is flying to the Bahamas, and that the judge was crying during the dispute, and that some girl in American Idol possed topless. Where are the priorities of the media. Is the killing of thousands of people not worth the television time? Is it not sexy enough a story? Will the advertisers pull out?
It is sad to me that the media has become a laundry basket of yellow journalism. Where are the Edward R. Murrows, the Karl Grossmans, where are the Woodward and Bernsteins of this era? Where are the Margaret Bourke- Whites? Unfortunetly those people don’t sell anymore.
If you want to get involved please visit

Leave Howard alone

We are taking a side step from the regular coverage of politics because of, the king of all media, yes you guessed it, we are talking about Howard Stern.
Jon Markman is the latest in a bunch of “reporters” who have in the past two years attacked Sirius Satellite Radio for hiring Howard Stern. They have attacked Howard Stern himself saying that his arrival has caused little impact in satellite radio.
Little impact? Howard Stern put satellite radio on the map. He has attracted millions of new subscribers to Sirius Satellite Radio, a medium that had less that 1 million subscribers when he arrived to close to 9 times as much in the past 2 years.
Why are this reporters predicting doom for Sirius? Could it be because their jobs are on the line? Mr Markman is a regular contributor for MSNBC and CNBC cable and radio all competing with Sirius. Could it be that he has a stake in the failure of satellite radio?
Let me tell you something, Sirius is not going anywhere. Just ask anyone who owns a satellite radio. I do, I never listen to terrestrial radio anymore, because the only reason I used to listen to it was the “Stephanie Miller Show” and she is in Sirius as well.
The fact is that Sirius gives programing that is by far better than anything regular radio has to offer. Howard Stern is at his best, so get used to it, better yet, get one and hear how radio is supposed to be done.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

So what?

What a low blow! Some one took the time to find out some of Sen. Barak Obama's ancesters were slave owners. What does that mean? It means nothing. First of all who cares? Someone in his blood line 2oo years ago was a racist. Do you know American history? Because slavery is a dark chapter of American history. It happened and a lot of the "fathers of our nation were indeed slave owners. How dare anyone try to exploid this information from 200 years ago? Anyone, Republican or Democrat who thinks this information is juicy and will help their campaign does not deserve to be elected. They are indeed themselves racists who think African Americans are that dumb. Barak Obama is not my first choice as a presidential candidate, but I realize that garbage like this is the worst that they can dig out on him.

Are we Really Discussing Al Gore's Electric Bill?

In an effort to discredit the former Vice President's work with the enviroment, it was reported a few days ago by some right wing bloggers and ABC that his electric bill is close to 30 thousand dollars. they talk about how the Gores use over 20 times the national average. What they wouldn't tell you is that the house has 20 rooms and also serves as their office. So all this work the Gores are doing on Global warming is done from their house. That means computers, phones, fax machines, lights, printers and all these things that evolution has allowed man to create by evolving the brain into what it is now.l.. or do you also want to debate evolution and gravity, and perhaps that the earth is flat.

The right wing bloggers will not tell you that the Gores are paying more because they chose to invest in green energy like solar plates and other renewable renewable energy. So the Gore family decided to pay a higher bill because it helps the enviroment.

IMHO I expect right wing bloggers to make up stories about Al Gore or other Democrats without checking their facts, but ABC news? Maybe we should expect it, after all ABC also brought us that right wing propaganda "The Truth of 9/11." Aparently ABC is starting to model itself after "Fox Noise" (as Keith Olbermann calls it) channel.

Friday, March 2, 2007

What a Clown

Glenn Beck the conservative nobody on CNN said in a recent show that Keith Olbermann comes off as arrogant because he has guests who always agree with him. But wait, isn’t that the same Glenn Beck who asked a recently elected Keith Ellison from MN to prove to him that he wasn’t working with the enemy, all because Mr. Ellison is a Muslim and a Democrat. I guess Mr. Beck would not call that arrogance, but concerned patriotism. It is not arrogant to speak for the entire country with words of bigotry.
You see Mr. Beck,IMHO the reason Olbermmann’s guests seem to agree with him is not so he looks good. His show is not a debate show. He is not trying to be better than his guests. Keith Olbermann is proving a point. He exposses the powerful, he informs. He does not attempt to speak for America, he speaks to America. He does not demand anyone show loyalty to anyone or anything he shows who is not loyal to country. He tells the truth, not that you would know anything about that. In doing so Keith Olbermann has exposed himself to the poison from the right, to mail of fake Anthrax. He puts the truth ahead of himself, unlike certain right wingers who are loyal to party instead of flag.

Not Just Another Slogan

“Tomorrow Begins Today” That is the slogan of the John Edwards campaign. Is that great or what? As stated in this blog previously, we are backing John Edwards for president. Every day he seems to reassure that we have made the right choice. Understand what John Edwards stands for. He stands for change, and as recent polls show, the American people want change.
It is our belief that “Tomorrow Begins Today” is not just a slogan. John Edwards is about bringing change. He talks straight, he does not tell us what we want to hear. He tells it like it is. Remember honesty? Remember values? Dare I say, the “straight talk express.” Listen to his interviews, and speeches. He does not pretend things are great, he does not act as if he is above human. He knows mistakes were made and knows they need to be corrected. How can you fix something if you won’t even admit it is broken?
There are challenges ahead though. He will not raise the money other candidates will. He needs our help. We may not be Hollywood or big oil, but we have a voice. Let’s help the one man who truly represents the people get elected. Contribute to the John Edwards campaign at, and while you are there read what he has to say, become informed, begin our tomorrow today.