The DC Council has taken the first step in the right direction when it comes to gay marriage. Of course recognition is only a first step. Equal rights should be the ultimate goal. Standing in the way of that goal however are former crack head and current tax evader Marion Barry, as well as the National Organization for Marriage (with their new pet, the very topless Carrie Prejean, AKA Miss California, AKA the dumb chick from that Miss USA thing). Oh and a bunch black of churches, more on them later.
Marion Barry has some nerve, he said he is a friend of the gay community. Does he mean like a slave owner is a friend to the slaves because he does not beat them with a rod, but still will not see them as equal? Mr Barry, seeing someone on the street and smiling does not make you their friend. Going to bat for them when they are being ganged up on, even when it is not something that will keep you employed does.
The National Organization for Marriage in their website has a picture of a watch, and the very creative line... that's right, you guessed it "not in my watch". Isn't that what racists in the south used to say about school integration in the 50's and 60's? Then Bimbo in Chief Prejean says her position is not discriminatory... excuse me, but isn't saying that someone can't do something you CAN do because they are different than you the very definition of discrimination? I don't expect Prejean to understand that as it involves thinking... not her forte.
That brings me to the black churches. Those hypocrites, those charlatans. Those people who have felt what discrimination does to an entire community, and now they themselves discriminate. How dare they try to hurt an entire group of people over differences like looks or sexual orientation? Then the cowards hide behind the bible to excuse their own immoral behavior. Did you not read the bible? It condones in fact encourages slavery. Yeah that was wrong, but the gay part... right on. You, the ones that have felt discrimination, have no business discriminating against others. How dare you?
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