Thursday, December 17, 2009

Just Another Bunch of Spineless Democrats

I want to start by apologizing to you, the reader, for my lack of vision. I fell for it and in the way to the polls I asked you to come with me. I guess when I heard then candidate Obama say at the convention that one word "Enough!", I actually believed him. But after afghanistan, health care, and his timid way around the environment, I have come to a realization. No matter how good a speech is, if you are a Democrat and a politician you are spineless. No way around it. There is no longer a liberal party, just an ultra conservative and a bunch of center/right cowards.

Teddy Kennedy is rolling in his grave. You know what Mr. President? In your misguided attemt at making Joe Lieberman happy you lost a lot of us. Joe Lieberman who did not support you, has your ear a lot more than us, the people who volunteered, who knocked on doors and donated money. Us who believed you would be an exceptional president are now feeling foolish. Your white house is tough on Gov Dean, but would not say an unkind word about Ben Nelson or Joe Lieberman. You fooled us. You gave us hope and then showed us that there is no hope. This country was bought and sold a long time ago.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Catholic Church, don't let the door hit you on the way out

The Catholic Church in DC decided to flex its muscle. They are telling the city council that they will not be able to honor their contracts if DC passes the same sex marriage bill. I say good riddance. Just do what you do when one of your priests molests a boy. Move around, no one will miss ya.

While you are at it, why not sell the real estate you have in the district, maybe use that to feed people in third world countries. Come on Catholics, do what you preach and live humble, like Jesus. The carpenter would have. I am guessing you won't because you are all talk and no real result. Do they understand that they are saying "if we can't discriminate against gay people, then we won't feed the hungry in the district. We won't help put a roof over homeless people's heads, we hate gays that much"?

What would happen if you were planning something and someone else came along and said "my imaginary friend says not to go to that place". Would you take him seriously? No, you would say "shut up crazy." Well Catholic church... shut up crazy.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Rest in Peace Teddy

Ted Kennedy, "The Lion of the Senate". We thank you for all that you did and we will miss you greatly. That is not my humble opinion. That is a fact.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Monday, August 17, 2009

Opinion on Health Care and Townhall Disruptions by Jaime Tejada

If you have been following the developments about health care reform, you may have noticed that groups of people have been disrupting town hall meetings. These groups have been mobilized by the extreme right. Their objective is not to have people voice their opinion. Their objective is to prevent others from having a conversation about the much needed reform. So far, the right is winning the argument simply because the corporate media is both racist and corrupt. The town hall meetings are packed with angry white people who exhibit the most blatant selfish feelings. They claim to be there because they want to rescue America from socialism. As one woman put it, she does not want America to become a socialist country like Russia (Russia is now the prime example of predatory capitalism.) Their ignorance is unbelievable. Their ignorance is precisely the source of their anger and open racism. Recent polls reveal that 70% of white people in the South believe President Obama was not born in the US. They can not stand the fact that the country is changing. They see America's new face and become outraged. They just can not process that America elected and African American President, that there is a Liberal woman as Secretary of State, and a Latina as a Supreme Court Justice. All this seems to be too much for their reactionary minds to accept. Therefore, they are determined to see the "black President" fail. They scream they want their country back. The question is "back from what?" The answer is not from socialism. The answer is they want their country back from the "Black President." There is one more important point that needs to be considered. So far the town hall meeting protesters have been white. They show up in groups of 40 or 50 and disrupt the meetings. The media has of course portrayed them as patriotic citizens exercising their first amendment rights. What would happen if 40 or 50 Black or Latino men showed up to disrupt a town hall meeting. You know the answer well!


Where did the hope go? I am writing this today after being absent for a while because I feel betrayed. I worked for this Democratic party. I raised money last year on the streets, and I knocked on doors. I told people that once we had a majority in congress that we would change this country, and then candidate Obama made it clear that we needed change. He asked me and every American to have hope for the future, and I did.

Now, a year after the knocking on doors and raising money for the Democrats I have become an unintentional liar. The health care reform, that was so important back then has been reduced to nothing thanks to a bunch of spineless or otherwise bought out democrats, and a leader who refuses to do just that... lead. We (liberals) wanted a single payer system which in fairness the President never promised, but we were willing to settle for a public option. Something that Mr. Obama said as recently as last month was necessary to keep insurance companies honest. Now due to lies and fake outrage from republicans, the public option seems to be almost out of the picture.

What is the President afraid of? Poll numbers? the reason over 50 percent of people disapprove his handling of health care is because that number includes people like me who think he should be leading. What was the point of voting for a bunch of cowards who would not stand up for the people? Why did we call the republicans corrupt just to replace them with these corrupt democrats? I for one am ready to say this. If there is no public health option in this "health care reform package, then I promise, never, ever, ever to vote for another democrat so long as I live. I think you the reader should do the same. And by that, I do not mean vote republican. I mean stand up and go to another party. The Green party needs people, and the way the democrats are acting we will need a liberal party in this country.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Gay Marriage Recognition in DC: A Step in the Right Direction

The DC Council has taken the first step in the right direction when it comes to gay marriage. Of course recognition is only a first step. Equal rights should be the ultimate goal. Standing in the way of that goal however are former crack head and current tax evader Marion Barry, as well as the National Organization for Marriage (with their new pet, the very topless Carrie Prejean, AKA Miss California, AKA the dumb chick from that Miss USA thing). Oh and a bunch black of churches, more on them later.

Marion Barry has some nerve, he said he is a friend of the gay community. Does he mean like a slave owner is a friend to the slaves because he does not beat them with a rod, but still will not see them as equal? Mr Barry, seeing someone on the street and smiling does not make you their friend. Going to bat for them when they are being ganged up on, even when it is not something that will keep you employed does.

The National Organization for Marriage in their website has a picture of a watch, and the very creative line... that's right, you guessed it "not in my watch". Isn't that what racists in the south used to say about school integration in the 50's and 60's? Then Bimbo in Chief Prejean says her position is not discriminatory... excuse me, but isn't saying that someone can't do something you CAN do because they are different than you the very definition of discrimination? I don't expect Prejean to understand that as it involves thinking... not her forte.

That brings me to the black churches. Those hypocrites, those charlatans. Those people who have felt what discrimination does to an entire community, and now they themselves discriminate. How dare they try to hurt an entire group of people over differences like looks or sexual orientation? Then the cowards hide behind the bible to excuse their own immoral behavior. Did you not read the bible? It condones in fact encourages slavery. Yeah that was wrong, but the gay part... right on. You, the ones that have felt discrimination, have no business discriminating against others. How dare you?

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Miss CA: 'I'm Going To Do Whatever It Takes To Protect Marriage.' Lauer: Some Compare You To Palin

Carrie Prejean, the second place winner in the Miss USA pageant is going all out in what she calls a "non discriminatory position". Miss Prejean, when you tell people that you can do something, while other people can't that is called discrimination. It was the case when black men could not marry white women. That was discrimination as well. Do you not see that you claiming rights and denying it to other people is the same thing that people in the south did when they said black people could not ride in the front of the bus?

Perhaps you are a dumb bimbo after all

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Quit Bugging Michael Phelps

As I have stated in this blog before, I do not smoke weed, I don't even smoke cigarettes. But I seem to be the only one in America who does not give a crap about Phelps smoking it. It is not like it is a performance enhancement drug. If anything he should get another medal, because weed makes you lazy and hungry which makes you fat. Both things which he is not. Maybe Phelps smoking it will be the end of all the pot myths out there.

Legalize it