Man, are the conservatives angry about the attention Bristol Palin has received. I will be the first to say, that this would be a private matter if it weren't because the GOP claims to be the (large) family values party.
I do not remember any of them being offended when John McCain himself in June of 1998 made jokes about Chelsea Clinton. In fact I remember all right wing radio jumping on it, repeating the joke and creating new ones. At least the comments have come from bloggers and not from Barack Obama himself.
Let's ask another question for the sake of arguments. If the shoe was on the other foot, if it were Barack Obama's daughter on the same situation that Bristol Palin is in right now, what would right wing bloggers and radio say? Do you think for one second that they would not be using this as a tool to discredit Barack Obama? I can hear them already "doesn't he say that parents should be responsible for their kids?"
I want you to understand something. The reason why some bloggers including myself are reporting this is NOT to make fun of Bristol. We in fact wish her the best. We do point out though the stands Sarah Palin has taken. She believes that we should not give proper sex education, instead we should teach abstinence only. Well if she can't get that to work in her own house, how will she get it to work in everyone else's? And if she can't convince her own family to get with the program, how will she get Iran and Russia to cooperate should she become president?
These are important questions, the best argument that I have heard for her national security experience is that Alaska is close to Russia (see the Cindy McCain video on a previous post). The fact that John McCain selected her shows the kind of rash decisions he would make as commander in chief. IMHO after telling us how dangerous the world is, to chose Sarah Palin as a running mate not only shows the terrible judgment John McCain is capable of, but it also shows that the whole "I put America first" argument that John McCain likes to throw around is nothing but crap.
He did not chose Sarah Palin to be the running mate because she was the most qualified person he could find. I hear a lot of right wing bloggers say that she has more executive experience than Obama because she was governor of Alaska. Well if that's the case, she has also more experience than John McCain, is that what they are saying? After all John McCain has never been governor and has 0 executive experience. And how does being a governor ensure that she would be ready to lead as opposed to someone who hasn't. Abraham Lincoln was not a governor, neither was Adams, or Eisenhower, or Kennedy, all regarded as great presidents. On the other hand, George W Bush was a governor of TX and look what good that did the country.
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