Women I have spoken to were not voting for Hillary Clinton because she was a woman, they were voting for her because she was the RIGHT woman. Sarah Palin may want to draw similarities to Hillary Clinton, but Governor, you are not Hillary Clinton. So don't give yourself more credit than you deserve.
McCain has said several times that he puts country first, well with this pick, he put his 73 year old foot in his 73 year old mouth. What if he becomes president and something were to happen to him. Is he really going to tell us that someone he spoke to once before is good enough to trust with the most important job in the world? There were more qualified republican women and yet he chose the former model. Just like his first wife, just like his mistress then second wife. Now he has another model as a partner in the white house?
This proves that his judgment is questionable. I don't like Mitt Romney, but there is no way that Gov Palin is more qualified than him. I don't like Kay Bailey Hutchinson (if he needed a woman in the ticket) but there is no way that Palin is more qualified. And what about poor Charlie Crist? He married for nothing?
IMHO selecting Gov Palin is a sad example of the opinion McCain has of women. No wonder he thinks they should make less money, he thinks women are stupid.
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