John McCain last week said he was proud of President Bush for not allowing any money added on to the economy stimulus package. That sounds reasonable if it not were because it is hard to be proud of this president for anything. Not as a commander in chief, not as a representative of this country, not even as a human being.
One of the points John McCain makes about his "National Security credentials" is that he opposed the Rumsfeld startegy, but that was not Rumsfeld, that was george Bush. it wasn't President Rumsfeld. But McCain is proud that Bush changed strategies, yeah after five years of allowing screw up after screw up. While Bush was allowing all this people who didn't need to die did.
That's why Republicans do not say the current presiden'ts name as much, instead they invoque Ronald Reagan every day and every night. Maybe their buses and planes are all equiped with Ouija bords and a medium. Like Reagan was a good president? Don't make me laugh. IMHO if the democrats do not point this out they will prove once again how yellow they are.
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