Thursday, January 31, 2008

How can McCain be proud of George W Bush?

John McCain last week said he was proud of President Bush for not allowing any money added on to the economy stimulus package. That sounds reasonable if it not were because it is hard to be proud of this president for anything. Not as a commander in chief, not as a representative of this country, not even as a human being.

One of the points John McCain makes about his "National Security credentials" is that he opposed the Rumsfeld startegy, but that was not Rumsfeld, that was george Bush. it wasn't President Rumsfeld. But McCain is proud that Bush changed strategies, yeah after five years of allowing screw up after screw up. While Bush was allowing all this people who didn't need to die did.

That's why Republicans do not say the current presiden'ts name as much, instead they invoque Ronald Reagan every day and every night. Maybe their buses and planes are all equiped with Ouija bords and a medium. Like Reagan was a good president? Don't make me laugh. IMHO if the democrats do not point this out they will prove once again how yellow they are.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

John Edwards leaves with his head up high

Senator Edwards announced Wednesday that he was leaving the campaign, and although we think it is the right move it does not mean that it does not pain us to see him go. We think he will be around, and we hope he throws his support behind Senator Obama, who is the only candidate left who can bring the change to Washington that Senator Edwards spoke about.

During his campaign, Senator Edwards brought focus to issues that no one did before. He was the first one to offer a real plan for universal healthcare. He spoke for those whom no one else speaks for. The poor, the homeless, the veterans. In a time when everyone says "support the troops" he was the only one to shed light on the thousands of veterans who are homeless today. He understood and spoke of the poor because he was at one point one of them. He is the perfect American Dream. the poor boy from SC who grew up to make a difference.

We hope the Democrats learn from Senator Edwards and keep him in mind when they chose a running mate. IMHO John Edwards still has a lot to offer to this country. Mr Edwards... Thank You.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

How dare the National Organization for Women NY Chapter attack Ted Kennedy

The NOW (National Organization for Women) NY tate chapter, and their President Marcia Pappas are attacking Ted Kennedy for his endorsement of Barak Obama, calling it "the greatest betrayal." Are these Idiots on drugs or something? Ted Kennedy has always supported the bills that favor women. From choice, to women's rights etc. Their biggest complaint is that he was late in supporting "Title IX, the ERA, the Family Leave and Medical Act." He supported it you morons. they complaint that Ted Kennedy voted yes on no child left behind, but vote smart reports that so did Hillary Clinton. Barack Obama has criticized it.

I am angry at NOW New York Chapter and Mrs Pappas. How dare they attack Ted Kennedy? It is time for Marcia Pappas to understand that support for women comes from people from both sexes, as do attacks on women. What ever a person has between their legs does not define character. IMHO Senator Kennedy has been a champion for women, and who he supports for president does not diminish his record. Would you say Caroline Kennedy betrayed women too? or does she get a pass because she is a woman?

I am glad to say though that the President of NOW, Kim Gandy released the following statement "The National Organization for Women has enormous respect and admiration for Sen. Edward Kennedy (D- Mass.). For decades Sen. Kennedy has been a friend of NOW, and a leader and fighter for women's civil and reproductive rights, and his record shows that.
Though the National Organization for Women Political Action Committee has proudly endorsed Sen. Hillary Clinton for president, we respect Sen. Kennedy's endorsement. We continue to encourage women everywhere to express their opinions and exercise their right to vote. "

So I guess stupidity is isolated to the New York chapter of NOW, well maybe it is just Mrs. Pappas

Sunday, January 27, 2008

The White House has lied...935 times!

South Carolina Got the Message

South Caroline got the message. They voted for Barak Obama and not Hillary Clinton. I know Senator Obama was not my first choice, but it is quickly becoming obvious that Senator Edwards will not win this race. So if that makes me a fair weather voter so be it.

There is one thing I can say though. I have never said anything bad about Senator Obama. I think he will be a great president if elected, and would have an easier time getting elected than Hillary. I am not just saying that, I have done some research. I have spoken to many supporters of other candidates who have told me that if Hillary is the nominee they will not vote. I am one of them.

I want to make it clear. I lived in NY the two times Mrs Clinton ran for the US Senate. Both times I supported her, and both times I voted for her. Both times I did my best to get her as many votes as I could. When people called her a carpetbagger, I reminded them of the Clinton years. I also think President Clinton is one of the best presidents this country has ever seen. If there were no term limits I guarantee you he'd get elected again, and I would be happy to support him.

But the Clinton campaign has run such divisive campaign this time, there is no way I can see myself voting for her. If she is the nominee, I will be voting for the green party. Maybe pray that Michael Bloomberg decides to run. The way they have attacked Barak Obama is despicable. Have they for one second stop to think "what if Hillary doesn't win? aren't we just giving the republicans some material?"

Now we approach "Super Tuesday", that will be the moment of truth for all candidates. IMHO I think it is time for Senator Edwards to drop out of the race and throw his support to Senator Obama. I hate to say that, because I think Senator Edwards has the most to offer, but if we want change we can't wait until after Super Tuesday.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

I Cant vote for Hillary anymore

I am a democrat, I vote democrat every single time. I vote every time. The only way I will vote democrat in the November election is if Hillary Clinton is not the nomenee. That's right, I cannot bring myself to vote for her, not anymore. When the race started I said to myself I agree with Edwards (I still do), but if he is not the winner I will vote for any democrat. But recent actions by her campaign and the actions of the Former President Clinton have changed my mind. They have acted the way Republicans act, and that is a sure way to wave goodbye to my vote.

I am praying that Hillary will not be the nomenee, because I know I am not alone. I know a lot of people think the same same way. Ip posted the question in Yahoo answers and a few were supportive of Mrs Clinton, the great majority said they would not vote for her in the general. I hope democrat voters wake up and realize this before Super Tuesday. Hillary Clinton will lose against the Republicans in November, do not overlook the Obama and Edwards voters. A lot of us will not vote for her.

John Edwards is still my favorite, he wins every debate and his message is everything every democrat wants to hear. It has nothing to do with race (I am Latino). It has all to do with actions, with sincerity, with hope for the country. He is a fighter who will fight for the ones whom politicians have forgotten, plus he doesn't take special interest money, and that is huge.

Barak Obama is capable, he inspires people. I have heard "he doesn't have the experience." and I say what he doesn't have in experience he makes up in intelligence and sincerity, so he is a great choice too, and I understand it.

Mrs Clinton and her campaign have been too divisive for my taste, in the general election IMHO she will get no more than 35% of the vote. To Democrats I say, do you want to take that chance?