Thursday, January 31, 2008
How can McCain be proud of George W Bush?

Wednesday, January 30, 2008
John Edwards leaves with his head up high

Tuesday, January 29, 2008
How dare the National Organization for Women NY Chapter attack Ted Kennedy

Though the National Organization for Women Political Action Committee has proudly endorsed Sen. Hillary Clinton for president, we respect Sen. Kennedy's endorsement. We continue to encourage women everywhere to express their opinions and exercise their right to vote. "
Sunday, January 27, 2008
South Carolina Got the Message

South Caroline got the message. They voted for Barak Obama and not Hillary Clinton. I know Senator Obama was not my first choice, but it is quickly becoming obvious that Senator Edwards will not win this race. So if that makes me a fair weather voter so be it.
There is one thing I can say though. I have never said anything bad about Senator Obama. I think he will be a great president if elected, and would have an easier time getting elected than Hillary. I am not just saying that, I have done some research. I have spoken to many supporters of other candidates who have told me that if Hillary is the nominee they will not vote. I am one of them.
I want to make it clear. I lived in NY the two times Mrs Clinton ran for the US Senate. Both times I supported her, and both times I voted for her. Both times I did my best to get her as many votes as I could. When people called her a carpetbagger, I reminded them of the Clinton years. I also think President Clinton is one of the best presidents this country has ever seen. If there were no term limits I guarantee you he'd get elected again, and I would be happy to support him.
But the Clinton campaign has run such divisive campaign this time, there is no way I can see myself voting for her. If she is the nominee, I will be voting for the green party. Maybe pray that Michael Bloomberg decides to run. The way they have attacked Barak Obama is despicable. Have they for one second stop to think "what if Hillary doesn't win? aren't we just giving the republicans some material?"
Now we approach "Super Tuesday", that will be the moment of truth for all candidates. IMHO I think it is time for Senator Edwards to drop out of the race and throw his support to Senator Obama. I hate to say that, because I think Senator Edwards has the most to offer, but if we want change we can't wait until after Super Tuesday.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
I Cant vote for Hillary anymore

I am praying that Hillary will not be the nomenee, because I know I am not alone. I know a lot of people think the same same way. Ip posted the question in Yahoo answers and a few were supportive of Mrs Clinton, the great majority said they would not vote for her in the general. I hope democrat voters wake up and realize this before Super Tuesday. Hillary Clinton will lose against the Republicans in November, do not overlook the Obama and Edwards voters. A lot of us will not vote for her.
John Edwards is still my favorite, he wins every debate and his message is everything every democrat wants to hear. It has nothing to do with race (I am Latino). It has all to do with actions, with sincerity, with hope for the country. He is a fighter who will fight for the ones whom politicians have forgotten, plus he doesn't take special interest money, and that is huge.
Barak Obama is capable, he inspires people. I have heard "he doesn't have the experience." and I say what he doesn't have in experience he makes up in intelligence and sincerity, so he is a great choice too, and I understand it.
Mrs Clinton and her campaign have been too divisive for my taste, in the general election IMHO she will get no more than 35% of the vote. To Democrats I say, do you want to take that chance?