New Orleans just got hit by a tornado yesterday, and that brought to mind the non sense I heard when Katrina hit. Some Christian loonies suggested that God was punishing the god-less city, because they party too much. This is a statement found in the website http://www.repentamerica.com/: "Although the loss of lives is deeply saddening, this act of God destroyed a wicked city," stated Repent America director Michael Marcavage. "From 'Girls Gone Wild' to 'Southern Decadence,' New Orleans was a city that had its doors wide open to the public celebration of sin. From the devastation may a city full of righteousness emerge," he continued.
If that is true then God hates all the red states in Tornado Alley, he hates the east coast during hurricane season, he hates the north east and gives them all the blizzards, he hates the mid west that’s why most of it is a dessert, and he hates the west coast with all the earthquakes, not even Hawaii is safe, they have all the volcanoes. I guess when Christian Conservative loonies say “God bless America” God is saying “No! I hate America.” Well IMHO that is a hateful insecure little God who does not deserve any praise or love. God is supposed to be love, not hate. At least that is what I remember being told as a kid as the church was attempting to wash my brain.
If that is true then God hates all the red states in Tornado Alley, he hates the east coast during hurricane season, he hates the north east and gives them all the blizzards, he hates the mid west that’s why most of it is a dessert, and he hates the west coast with all the earthquakes, not even Hawaii is safe, they have all the volcanoes. I guess when Christian Conservative loonies say “God bless America” God is saying “No! I hate America.” Well IMHO that is a hateful insecure little God who does not deserve any praise or love. God is supposed to be love, not hate. At least that is what I remember being told as a kid as the church was attempting to wash my brain.
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