Where did the hope go? I am writing this today after being absent for a while because I feel betrayed. I worked for this Democratic party. I raised money last year on the streets, and I knocked on doors. I told people that once we had a majority in congress that we would change this country, and then candidate Obama made it clear that we needed change. He asked me and every American to have hope for the future, and I did.
Now, a year after the knocking on doors and raising money for the Democrats I have become an unintentional liar. The health care reform, that was so important back then has been reduced to nothing thanks to a bunch of spineless or otherwise bought out democrats, and a leader who refuses to do just that... lead. We (liberals) wanted a single payer system which in fairness the President never promised, but we were willing to settle for a public option. Something that Mr. Obama said as recently as last month was necessary to keep insurance companies honest. Now due to lies and fake outrage from republicans, the public option seems to be almost out of the picture.
What is the President afraid of? Poll numbers? the reason over 50 percent of people disapprove his handling of health care is because that number includes people like me who think he should be leading. What was the point of voting for a bunch of cowards who would not stand up for the people? Why did we call the republicans corrupt just to replace them with these corrupt democrats? I for one am ready to say this. If there is no public health option in this "health care reform package, then I promise, never, ever, ever to vote for another democrat so long as I live. I think you the reader should do the same. And by that, I do not mean vote republican. I mean stand up and go to another party. The Green party needs people, and the way the democrats are acting we will need a liberal party in this country.